The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Post-Doc Position
This post-doc position is offered through the NEAT Center, located at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), and sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The position will support applications in stockpile stewardship, nuclear security, and/or basic nuclear physics. This post-doctoral opportunity is designed to develop technical expertise to support the Nuclear Enterprise through hands-on experiments, the application of computational analysis techniques, and interaction with students, government (Military and National Laboratory) sponsors, and civilian university collaborators. Current activities include the measurement of inelastic scattering cross sections on nuclei, neutron spectroscopy, organic scintillator characterization, development of new nuclear environment test capabilities, and radiation effects on electronics. Primary activities for this opportunity include the support and execution of experimental campaigns, development of analysis tools, data analysis and interpretation, manuscript development, and communication of research at relevant scientific meetings. Research activities will be performed at AFIT and collaborator facilities throughout the DOD, DOE, and academia. The position is available here.
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Distinguished Postdoc Program
The INL Distinguished Postdoctoral Associate Program is designed to attract, recruit, develop and inspire early career researchers who have the potential to develop into INL’s future scientific and technical leaders. These appointments are highly competitive and are intended to recognize and provide Distinguished Postdoc Associates with a competitive award, research experience, mentorship, and training to develop their capabilities. The engagement of early-career research talent is critical to the success of INL’s mission areas. More info here.
Positions in Nuclear Material Group
The Nuclear Materials Science Group (MST-16) at that Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is looking to fill a postdoctoral research position that is focused on high-resolution analytical and in situ (S)TEM development utilizing our new monochromated, probe-corrected 300kV Titan Themis (S)TEM. More info here.
Rosen Scholar Program
The Rosen Scholar is a fellowship created to honor the memory of Louis Rosen, his accomplishments, his hard work, and his affection for the broad range of science performed at LANSCE. Louis Rosen’s outstanding leadership and scientific career at LANL covered six-and-a-half decades and included both the initial concept for the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) during the 1960s and its commissioning in 1972. More info here.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fellowship Opportunities
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is offering research opportunities for their Visiting Scientist Program at the Transportation Security Laboratory (TSL). These research opportunities are open to faculty as well as applicants with technical or research post-degree experience. Ideal applicants will be interested in adding their perspective and expertise to innovative research in threat detection technology while learning from and collaborating with a highly skilled team of TSL staff and researchers in a unique laboratory setting. More info here.